Should you stay with someone who isn’t ready for a relationship?

Should you stay with someone who isn’t ready for a relationship?

A relationship has a lot to do with how available you are to commit yourself to someone. It goes deep down to how much he (or she) wants to be with you and how much you to be with him (or her) and start something beautiful.

This sort of feeling can be tricky sometimes and you might get stocked up with the mindset that ‘maybe’ he or she might be ready for a relationship and then days turn weeks, months and probably years.

It doesn’t matter how much they care about you and would want to have a future with you, but they are not ready for a relationship with commitment at this time you are making yourself available to start a relationship with him (or her).

The truth is, staying with someone who isn’t ready for a relationship is not a good idea for too long, for it makes you unavailable for someone else who seriously wants to start or would want to start a serious relationship with you.

It is very frustrating to be stuck in a friend zone without really having a real relationship, to begin with, and because someone isn’t ready for a relationship, you will see how fast time flies before your eyes without you having anything meaningful to talk about or gain during the so-called ‘waiting time’.

Thinking deeply about what you actually want has a big part to play when waiting for someone who isn’t ready for a relationship.

In some situations, some people need more time to think about what they actually want before starting a relationship or start dating. 

Every individual has their own process in understanding what their actual desires are, before committing to a relationship.

Making your decision and thoughts open at the beginning will be the best, the reason being that, probably they do not see a real future with you or that you are more of a friend to them.

Keep reading to the end and you will learn about a few more points to consider before making your final decision to stay with someone who isn’t ready for a relationship yet.

The pros of waiting until your partner is ready for a relationship

Deciding to wait all depends on you when you are not in a rush yourself but here are a few details to watch out for during this time of waiting until your partner is ready for a relationship.

Waiting helps your partner see how much you care

Your partner might need more time to decide what they actually want before committing to a serious relationship.

Knowing about their past relationship can give you an edge to actually know why they are not ready, Probably their past relationship wasn’t great or there is something else pushing them away from committing to a relationship with you.

By giving your partner time to decide, you are not only respecting them but also showing them they are worth waiting for.

When you stand by your partner’s side during this process, it lets them see just how much you love, care, and respect their feelings.

The truth is, waiting can be tiring and hard but for the right person, the outcome is always beautiful. Allowing your partner to actually know you deeply can show them you are serious about starting a relationship with him (or her).

Here is a keynote “Show your partner that they are safe to share their thought and feelings with you. Communication is the heart of any relationship” so, always communicate with your partner as often as possible.

Waiting Allows you to connect in a deeper way

I personally built up a stronger bond with my girlfriend down the road, we both took time before deciding if we actually wanted to commit to a relationship. I personally benefitted from waiting and not rushing all the way because I knew she was the right one for me.

Our situation might be different, but one thing is certain, When you give your partner more time to get committed, you are building a solid foundation of love and trust for one another that is so deep.

Instead of rushing into a serious commitment and getting disappointed, taking it slowly builds a stronger connection that you will both strive to maintain.

The Cons of waiting until your partner is ready

It might not actually feel too bad but it definitely will get you cleared out with the backside of waiting for someone who is not ready to start a relationship with you.

They do not have the same feelings as you

This is the obvious reason and it is majorly the case, let us be truthful here. Sometimes we love someone and the person does not feel the same about you. It happens

It never good to be too hasty trying to stylishly start a relationship with someone, feeling grows over time but do not make it become a time wastage for you.

Always makes a swift decision when you get the ‘not ready for a relationship’ signal.

Already in another relationship

You need to be on the lookout, so you don’t mistake an individual whose partner is not around for being single, lol.

This can be a disappointment and will pretty head with a huge disaster. Always make your finding, be certain if there’s no relationship because trying to start a relationship with the individual in the first place.

If the person is in another relationship already, that is a good reason why they cannot have a relationship with you.

Having all the facts can really help even before speaking out to someone to start a relationship. Make the findings first, so it will not be too disappointing, leaving you heartbroken and sad.

Should I keep seeing someone who doesn’t want a relationship?

Imagine you like someone and want to have a relationship with that exact person but all of a sudden you find out he (she) doesn’t want a relationship.

It’s best to let go and move on.

You can keep seeing the person but do not force them into starting a relationship with you.

I personally avoided so many ladies whom I had a crush on. The moment I asked them to start a serious relationship with me and they refused, I had to totally move on without thinking twice.

Moving on isn’t about parking away or getting angry because of the unexpected that happened but it’s how mature you handle coincidences that might likely happen.

Here’s what I mean, You will definitely cross paths or something might lead to another and you can get caught up with seeing them around, You need to stand your ground and not become a crybaby, oh yeah.

You have to be totally cool and not try to light a fire into a wet wood, that is trying to shoot your shot to start a relationship again after a refusal.

Here is what you need to do to actually get away from a relationship that might not lead to any point.

How do I stop waiting for someone?

You can really make it simple for yourself by discussing with the individual whom you have in mind to start a relationship with.

Letting them know your decision can go a long way than just simply playing along till an opportunity shows up.

If you are finding it very hard to leave this can help you.

How do I stop waiting for someone I love so much, but is not ready to start a relationship?

You so much love him (her) but they are not ready for a relationship. I know how it feels and I do not wish this to happen to anyone.

Love is a very strong desire that can make you imagine a lot of things. You need to make the effort and let go completely, so you stop hurting your feelings.

It will never be an easy thing to do when you love someone who is not ready to start a relationship.

These steps will be a great start.

Stop thinking or imagining what will never happen

I know right, it is very natural to keep thinking about someone you love so much even if they don’t love you enough to start a relationship.

It is best to get over it even if you are breaking down into many pieces because you will not get over it if you do not accept it the way it is.

I purposely put this at the top of the line because it is the hardest part to do.

As in, you cannot easily control what you think and feel. It’s just what makes us humans, you know. We are made to love and be loved.

The moment you stop thinking, imagining, wishing, and daydreaming of what you would have loved to possibly happen between you and the individual, then you are one way closer to stop waiting for someone who is not ready for a relationship.

Get Busy, Get Productive

This process can help distract you from thinking about love at the time.

Focus on what makes you happy, visit friends, or family who can be a support to you and not add to the worries of your feelings.

If you are comfortable sharing your relationship life with someone, do that with someone who would not take advantage of your vulnerable situation but would be of great help.

Get all the help you would need to move on and forget someone who does not want to start a relationship with you.

Avoid and remove situations or items that link back to the individual

This is very necessary to do. I know, you probably think this should come first, but it should come second.

Once your mind is cleared, you will act more maturely because you will be able to think straight by doing the needful.

Without having a clear mind, you will keep some attachments that will bring back flashbacks or memories and that is what you do not need.

Removing pictures, videos, and probably jewelry that might bring in memories about the individual will help a lot and will help you heal and get over the situation better.

Bear in mind, removing all of this is not because you hate the person, NO, it’s basically because of bringing memories that will make you sad and when you are sad, you think that will not be good.


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